Transforming Lives

Sister Mary James and Sister Jeanne have been serving their community for over 60 years.

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Just like the many well-established and much needed nonprofit organizations in the area, the Sisters have served the community well. The focus of the Sister’s mission-seeking God in community, ministry, and prayer-is inclusive of all people and all needs. There are fewer Sisters today, and age is catching up to the strongest of them, yet their commitment to the wellbeing of humankind, their outrage at injustice, and their desire to learn more about the many beautiful cultures that make up our community, has never been stronger.

The Sisters begin and end each day in devotion. Throughout the year they commit themselves to challenging social hardships through the power of their collective prayer. Requests by countless donors arrive daily by phone, email, or mail for the Sisters to bend their will toward this illness or that, the needs of this relative or that sick child. The words of the Prioress, Sister Karen Brink, found on Facebook and Instagram, never cease to encourage the many followers of the Sisters to find their better self and unleash goodness and courage in the face of adversity and injustice.

In a return to the days of long ago, the Sisters have slowed down the rhythm of their lives. Only a few Sisters now share the schedules of others with jobs outside the monastery. But behind the walls of their home the hard work of a spiritual life continues. Sister Jeanne and Sister Benita pass on the requests for prayers, Sister Mary James and Sister Anne dedicate hours every day in chapel prayer, Sister Florence delivers Communion to patients in a hospital. It never ends, from Sister Julie to Sister Anne, to Sister Mary Agnes, and Sister Michael and on and on, our losses, our shortcomings, our dreams, and our futures are ever present and live like music in the prayers of the Sisters.

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