Back to School, Boys!
The Picket Fence
Appliqué Shark Sweatshirt: $27.00
Appaman Red Skinny Twill Pant:$39.10
Littles of Pittsburgh
Doc Martens Black Boot $65.00
The school year is upon us. Will it be remote, in-person, or a mix? Either way, tradition has us thinking about a new outfit or two, to be sure that our kids start their new grade on a bright note.
Our model, Beckett, was volunteered by his parents, but he took to being in front of the camera like a seal to water. As you can see, he has a vivid personality — and his kit needs to keep up. His folks report that they only made two stops this year: Shadyside’s Picket Fence, and Littles Shoes in Squirrel Hill. Well…there might have been a third stop for ice cream.
Pittsburgh’s wonderful stores are ready for you with mask and social distancing protocols. Let’s get out there and support them!
The Picket Fence
Reece Camp Shirt: $26.40
Joules graphic long sleeve tee: $16.00
Appaman grey skinny twill pants: $39.10
Littles of Pittsburgh
Adidas Superstar Child: $19.99
Beckett and his fellow model Elle had a wonderful time in the making of this article. Check out what she’s wearing in our companion piece, New Looks for a New Grade!
Don’t miss a single shoppable thing!