Getting Crabby

Photo by Marcy Holquist

Photo by Marcy Holquist

Maybe you’re ready to hit refresh on that familiar pasta salad recipe! If you are, this simple toss-it-together recipe will give you something new to bring to the table this summer.

Chesapeake Pasta Salad



4 Shallots, large, chopped

4 Cloves of garlic, minced

4 T Old Bay seasoning

4 T Dry mustard

1 t Ground black pepper

1/3 c Olive oil

1 c Dry white wine

4 c Fresh tomatoes, chopped

5 T Fresh dill, chopped

3 T Fresh oregano, chopped

3 T Fresh thyme, chopped

16 oz Farfalle pasta

2 c Crabmeat

8 Red, orange or yellow bell peppers

Chopped parsley for garnish

Sauté shallots and garlic in olive oil with Old Bay seasoning, dry mustard, and ground black pepper. Once shallots are tender, add 1 cup white wine. Set aside to cool.

Mix chopped tomatoes with dill, oregano and thyme.


Pick freshly boiled crabs for 2 cups crabmeat

Slice the top off of the bell peppers, and remove ribs and seeds. coat lightly in olive oil, and grill on low heat.


Boil 16 oz  Farfalline or other small pasta like Orzo in well salted water. Drain when tender.


While pasta is piping hot, toss all ingredients together with a dash or two of olive oil, and a pinch or two more of Old Bay.


Spoon mixture into lightly grilled garden peppers, or scoop it onto your plate by the spoonful.

Story and styling by Keith Recker  //  Photography by Marcy Holquist

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