UPLOADED/REDIRECTED Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry Milkshake with a Kick


The crew at Table Magazine gets a little, shall we say, crabby if we go too long without ice cream in some form. Even in winter. When our friends at The Milkshake Factory offered to share their recipe for a spiked Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry Milkshake for our readers to make at home, they had us at hello!

Make it this Valentine’s Day for the whole family…without the bourbon for the kids, and with the spike for the grown ups. No one will be crabby.

Ingredients  [yields one 16 oz shake]

10 oz                Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

1 oz                  Hot Fudge

1 oz                  Strawberry Reduction Sauce (recipe below)

1 oz                  Bourbon

½ cup + 1 TBSP Semi-sweet mini chocolate chips

4-6                    Fresh Strawberries

2 TBSP              Whipped Cream            



Chocolate Dipped Strawberries:  Melt ½ cup of chocolate in a double boiler.  Stir occasionally until melted and smooth.  While holding the berry near the stem, dip it in chocolate about ¾ of the way up and place it on the tray until dry.  To set the chocolate more quickly, place the tray in the refrigerator.


Milkshake:  In a milkshake tin or blender add the vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, strawberry reduction sauce, bourbon, and the remainder of the chocolate chips.  Blend until smooth.  If using a blender, use the lowest setting.  Pour the blended shake into a glass and top with whipped cream and a chocolate dipped strawberry.


NOTE:  For a non-alcoholic version, replace 1 oz of Bourbon with 1 oz of Whole Milk.




Strawberry Reduction  [yields 2-3 servings]

6                      Large Strawberries (no stems)

1 cup                Water

3 TBSP              Sugar

1 tsp                 lemon juice

1 tsp                 lemon zest



Cut the greens off the strawberries and slice in half. Add strawberries, water, sugar, lemon juice, and lemon zest to the sauce pan.  Let boil at a medium heat for 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally until the strawberries become soft.  Using the back of the fork, smash down the strawberries to a pulp and let simmer for an additional 5 minutes.  Turn off the heat and place in a storage container.

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DrinksKeith ReckerPgh, Spirits