Quantum Spirits' Dark Matter Cocktail

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Is dark matter really dark, or is that just a figure of speech? We’re just asking because Quantum Spirits’ Dark Matter Cocktail glows with an intergalactic orange…like Mars traversing the night sky. We’ll contemplate these and other big issues while sipping the drink. Why don’t you do that same and share your insights with us on social media?

Dark Matter

1 1/2 oz Quantum Spirits Rye Whiskey

3/4 oz Quantum Spirits Amaro

1/4 oz chai brown sugar simple syrup

2 dashes black walnut bitters

Luxardo cherry

Combine the rye whiskey, amaro, simple and bitters in a cocktail shaker filled with ice, shake and double strain into a glass of your choice, garnish with a luxardo cherry.

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