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The Root of the Matter

There it was, tucked in a top corner of the produce shelf, as if no one would want it: celery root. It’s not the prettiest vegetable, especially in this Time of the Tomato when a juicy, perfectly ripe, heritage Beefsteak is likely to turn even a good girl’s head. But it does have flavor and crunch, and this underdog comes alive given just half a chance.

Pick up two modest sized celery roots next time you see them. Grate and toss them in this full-flavored Vadouvan dressing. You won’t regret it.

We recommend buying a container of Vadouvan from NYC’s La Boîte aux Epices. Their truly amazing spice mixes are also sold at Mediterra, and every flavor they offer is worth exploring.

Celery Root Salad with Vadouvan Dressing


2 Celery roots, washed, peeled and grated

4 Carrots, peeled and grated

4 Cloves of garlic, peeled and minced fine

1/3 c White Balsamic vinegar

1/3 c Avocado oil (or good quality olive oil)

2 t Vadouvan

1 t Salt

1 t Black pepper

2 c Shredded chicken (poached or grilled)…optional!


Place all elements in a large salad bowl. Toss vigorously. Let marinate in refrigerator for 45 minutes. Enjoy!

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